Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

  • The Honorable All Vices Rector of UIN Mataram
  • The Honorable the NTB provincial governor or representative
  • The Honorable to our keynote speakers: Dr. Adiwarman Karim (chief commissioner of BSI), Prof Azhar from International Islamic University Malaysia, Prof. dr. hab. Agata Sudoiska from Nicolaus Copernicus University Polandia, and Assoc. Prof. Sahraman Hadji Latif from University Mindanao, Philippines
  • The Honorable Head of the Representative Office of Bank Indonesia NTB who is represented directly by the Senior Economist of the Department of Sharia Economics and Finance, Bank Indonesia Jakarta.
  • The Honorable Head of OJK NTB or representative
  • The Honorable Head of Provincial Department of West Nusa Tenggara,
  • The Honorable General chairman of AFEBIS and Deans
  • The Honorable presenters from several countries (Nigeria, Malaysia, Poland) PTKIN, PTKIS, PTN and PTS
  • And all ICFBB 2023 committee and happy invited attendees

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

It is with great pleasure and immense pride that I welcome you all to the prestigious International Conference on Digital Transformation: Optimizing Financial, Economic, and Tourism Industry here which is organized by the Faculty Economy and Business Islam (FEBI) Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram. On behalf of the university, I extend my warmest greetings to each and every one of you who has graced this occasion with your presence.

Ladies and Gentlemen

The digital age has ushered in a new era, one that demands a holistic understanding of the intersection between technology and these vital sectors. Our gathering today represents a collective commitment to exploring and harnessing the limitless potential of digital transformation in shaping the future of financial systems, economic landscapes, and the tourism industry. The challenges and opportunities presented by this digital era require thoughtful consideration, innovative solutions, and collaborative efforts. As we navigate this intricate terrain, it becomes imperative for academia, industry leaders, policymakers, and visionaries to come together, share insights, and pave the way for a sustainable and prosperous future. UIN Mataram takes pride in hosting this international conference, providing a platform for intellectual exchange, fostering collaboration, and inspiring innovative thinking. Our commitment to excellence in education and research aligns seamlessly with the objectives of this conference. We believe that by delving into the complexities of digital transformation in the financial, economic, and tourism sectors, we can collectively contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of society. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the esteemed keynote speakers, distinguished guests, scholars, all sponsor who support this event and participants who have traveled from various corners of the globe to be a part of this transformative discourse. Your expertise and insights will undoubtedly enrich the discussions and contribute to the success of this conference. As we embark on this intellectual journey together, let us embrace the spirit of collaboration, open-mindedness, and innovation. May the next few days be filled with meaningful exchanges, profound discoveries, and lasting connections.

Thank you, Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb